The Prosperity Stories: Stairline Railings

May 20, 2021

The Prosperity Stories is our way to profile our business partners, help tell their stories, and share how they are able to live a more prosperous Life. Beyond numbers.™

Meet Sebastien Melbourne and Alexis L’Italien Dumas, co-owners of Stairline Railings, formed in 2001. They are a fast-growing team of craftspeople who design, build, and install functional yet beautiful stairs and railings. They recently won the 2021 Ottawa Consumer Choice Award for Business Excellence in the Stair and Railing category.

Q What does prosperity mean to you? 

Sebastien: It means being happy in a general sense, being content with your career, your personal life, and being able to properly balance both. Alex and I are very blessed to have everybody that works here provide the level of effort and share the passion we have for the company. It’s because of our staff that we are able to move the company forward. 

Q What is your favourite part of your work?

Sebastien: My heart still lays in the installation. Even though I direct the company most of the time I really long for the installation, and that’s what I have been doing most of—when I am cut I bleed sawdust.

Alexis: What I like to see is the end product and the reaction of our clients. That's the best feeling. We deal with private customers, and for me to see the faces of our clients who are so happy to see the final product—that’s the most rewarding part.   

Q What business advice would you give to someone who is just starting?

Sebastien: Find business partners and an accounting firm that you can trust and be honest—that’s what will bring you success.

Alexis: You need to know all the sides of the business, do what the guys in the back are doing, get your hands dirty, learn to fall, and stand up again. Don’t give up. Push hard. Work hard. 

Published by Elite Accounting Inc.

© 2021 Elite Accounting

Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0)

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